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Food Crop

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To enhance the development and dissemination of improved rice varieties in Africa


  • December 2016 to December 2025

Partner Organization

  • AfricaRice


  • Evaluation of Korean germplasm for agronomic performance in Africa
  • Development of breeding lines from crosses with Korean and African cultivars
  • Production of double-haploid lines
  • Evaluation and selection of elite rice lines in the participant countries
  • To support field test and enhancement of the research capability of the partner countries

To enhance the development and dissemination of improved rice varieties in Africa


  • January 2019 to December 2024

Participating countries

  • Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Comoros


  • Improving rice productivity through development of African-adapted polygenic rice varieties
  • R&D collaboration with AfricaRice, a partner organization for the ‘Enhancement of high-yielding rice germplasm and breeding capacity of rice-producing countries in Africa’ project


  • Registered 26 varieties in 8 countries (Senegal, Mali, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Rwanda, Uganda and Ghana) (as of December 2023)
  • 29 African rice breeders trained: Intensive training for the entire rice growth period (4 months)
  • Selected as an excellent innovation case in the public sector by OECD (‘21)