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KAFACI 5th General Assembly

§   Date: April 6, 2021

§   Venue: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the meeting which had to be held in Tunisia was transformed into a virtual one via the Zoom meeting platform.

§   Participants & countries: Over 40 participants from 23 countries (including the three new country member), The IRESA staff, and the RDA KAFACI secretariat attended the virtual meeting.


§  Co-organizers:

   -          Institution for Agriculture Research and Higher Education (IRESA)

   -          Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI), Republic of Korea.

§  Purpose:

The purpose of the meeting was to establish the new Chair Group and the new Executive Council Members, welcome the new country members, report the KAFACI progress from 2017-2020 and the work plan for 2021-2023, Adoption of the new rules of procedures, and the selection of host countries for the next General Assembly and Executive Council meeting.


§  Agenda:

-          Adoption of the Agenda

-          Presentation of Progress Report on the work of 2017-2020 KAFACI programs

-          Presentation of 2021-2023 KAFACI work plan

-          Approval of New Member Country's Accession (Gambia, Madagascar, Equatorial Guinea)

-          Establishment of New Chair group and Executive Council Members

-          Review of Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly and the Executive Council

-          Adoption of Rules of Procedures of the Project Management

-          Presentation of country candidate for hosting the next General Assembly (Kenya)

-          Selection of the Hosting Country for 2023 Executive Council Meeting

-          Other Matters

-          Closing


KAFACI 7th Executive Council Meeting

§  Date: February 17-18, 2020

§  Venue: Hammamet, Tunisia

§  Participants & countries: 6 Delegates from Gabon, Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Korea.


§  Organizer:

-          Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI), Republic of Korea.


§  Agenda:

 -          Opening of the Session by the Chair of the Executive Council (EC)

 -          Adoption of the agenda

 -          2018-2019 Progress report of KAFACI

 -          Review of Rules of Procedure of the Executive Council

 -          Approval of new KAFACI projects

 -          Adoption of 2020-2021 Event Plans

 -          Review of Rules of Procedure of Project’s Management

 -          Selection of the host country of the 6th KAFACI General Assembly

 -          Approval of the topics and presenters during the 10 years’ commemoration symposium for KAFACI

 -          Closing of the meeting

KAFACI 6th Executive Council Meeting

§  Date: August 1, 2018

§  Venue: Jeonju, Korea

§  Participants & countries: 9 Delegates from Ghana, Morocco, Tunisia, Senegal, Zimbabwe, Korea.


§  Organizer:

-          Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI), Republic of Korea.

§  Agenda:

-          Opening of the Session by the Chair of the Executive Council (EC)

-          Adoption of the agenda

-          Review of Rules of Procedure of the Executive Council

-          2017-2018 Progress report of KAFACI

-          Presentation by the Candidate Countries for holding the next General Assembly

-          The Selection of the Next General Assembly Hosting Country

-          Discussion and formulation of the New KAFACI Project

-          Adoption of 2018-2019 Event Plans

-          Other matters

-          Closing of the meeting

KAFACI 5th Executive Council Meeting

§  Date: July 10, 2017

§  Venue: Dakar, Senegal

§  Participants & countries: 8 Members from DR Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Korea.


§  Organizer:

    -          Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI), Republic of Korea.


§  Agenda:

-          Opening of the Session by the Chair of the Executive Council (EC)

-          Adoption of the agenda

-          Review of Rules of Procedure of the Executive Council

-          2016-2017 Progress report of KAFACI

-          Approval of New Member Country - Tanzania

-          Adoption of 2017-2018 Event Plans  

-          Other matters

     -          Closing of the meeting

KAFACI 4th General Assembly

§  Date: July 10-13, 2017

§  Venue: Dakar, Senegal

§  Participants & countries: 60 delegates from 17 KAFACI member countries and 4 International organizations.


§  Co-organizers:

-          Institut S?n?galais de Recherche Agricoles (ISRA)

-          Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI), Republic of Korea.


§  Agenda:

-          Opening remarks

-          Adoption of the Agenda

-          Approval of new member country’s accession (Tanzania)

-          Review of Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly and the Executive Council

-          Identification of new Chair Group & Executive Council members

-          Progress report of the General Secretary  on the work of the KAFACI

-          Presentation & Adoption of the 2017-2019 KAFACI work plan

-          Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) report and approval of 2016-2025 strategic plans.

-          Identification of the next General Assembly Hosting country.

-          Other Matters

-          Closing

KAFACI 4th General Assembly

§  Date: July 5-8, 2016

§  Venue: Jeonju, Republic of Korea

§  Participants & countries: 13 Members


§  Organizer:

-          Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI), Republic of Korea.


§  Agenda:

-          Opening of the Session by the Chair of the Executive Council (EC)

-          Adoption of the agenda

-          Review of Rules of Procedure of the Executive Council

-          2015-2016 Progress report of KAFACI

-          MOU signing by new member country ? Zambia

-          Review of 2016-2025 KAFACI Strategic Plan submitted by the Chair of the Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC)

-          Presentation and formulation of new projects

-          Establishment of 2016-17 Event Plan

-          Selection of the agenda of the 4th General Assembly

-          Other matters

-          Closing of the meeting

KAFACI Third Executive Council Meeting

§  Date: May 11, 2015

§  Venue: Harare, Zimbabwe

§  Participants & countries: 7 Members


§  Organizer:

    -      Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI), Republic of Korea.


§  Agenda:

-        Opening remarks

-        Adoption of the Agenda

-          Review of Rules of Procedure of the Executive Council

-        Progress Report of KAFACI

-        Approval of New Member Country ? Rwanda

-        Progress Report on the Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC)

-        Establishment of 2015-2016 Event Plans

-        Other Matters

-        Closing



KAFACI Third General Assembly

§  Date: May 11-13, 2015

§  Venue: Harare, Zimbabwe

§  Participants & countries: 47 Participants from KAFACI delegations, 6 partner organizations, 18 countries.


§  Co-organizers:

-          Scientific and Industrial Research and Development Center (SIRDC)

-          Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI), Republic of Korea.


§  Agenda:

-          Adoption of the Agenda

-          Establishment of the Chair group and Executive Council Members

-          Sharing the current Status/ Updates of the Member Countries (tour de table)

-          Review of Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly and the Executive Council

-          Progress report of the General Secretary on the work of the KAFACI

-          Progress report on the Science and Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) and Planning for Future Activities

-          Report of the Workplan of KAFACI programs

-          Presentations and Adoption of 2015-2016 KAFACI Workplan

-          Expression of Interest for Hosting the Next General Assembly

-          Selection of the Hosting Country for the 2016 Executive Council Meeting

-          Other Matters

-      Closing 

KAFACI Second Executive Council Meeting

§  Date: July 22-24, 2014

§  Venue: Suwon, Republic of Korea

§  Participants & countries: 7 Members


§  Organizer:

-          Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI), Republic of Korea.


§  Agenda:

-          Opening of the meeting

-          Adoption of the agenda

-          Progress Report of KAFACI

-          Review of Rules of Procedure of the Executive Council

-    Approval on the work plan of 5 KAFACI Programs: Basic Science, Food Crops, Horticulture, Livestock, and Extension Program 

-          Establishment of the Science and Technology Advisory Committee(STAC)

-          Approval on event plans of 2014/2015

-          Selection of the host country for the 3rd KAFACI General Assembly

-          Selection of the agenda for the 3rd General Assembly

-          Other matters

-          Closing of the meeting

KAFACI Second General Assembly

§   Date: June 25-27, 2013

§  Venue: Entebbe, Uganda

§  Participants & countries: 18 member countries and 1 international organization.


§  Co-organizers:

-         National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), Uganda.

-         Korea-Africa Food and Agriculture Cooperation Initiative (KAFACI), Republic of Korea.


§  Agenda:

-         Adoption of the Agenda

-         Adoption of Rules of Procedure of the General Assembly and the Executive Council of KAFACI

-         Election of Chair-group

-         Report of the Progress of KAFACI

-         Presentation on Outstanding KAFACI Country Projects

-         Presentation and Adoption of New Projects for 2013-2014

-         Discussion on KAFACI Midterm Plan (2013-2017)

-         Other Matters

-         Announcement of the Host Country of the Next Executive Council

-         Announcement of the List of Candidate Countries for Hosting the 3rd KAFACI General Assembly

-         Closing